Contact Us for a Consultation 267-337-6524

Case Results

alleged failure to disclose income

Without an attorney who has the knowledge and resources to properly assess a client's income, they are vulnerable to missed child and spousal support payments. Susan Gibson analyzed a client's income from stock options and grants to limit their exposure for back-owed child support for alleged failure to disclose income.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.

Contact Us Today

Gibson Family Law is committed to representing you in Divorce, Equitable Distribution, Child Custody, Child Support, Spousal Support/APL, and Alimony matters. Gibson Family Law also has extensive experience with Prenuptial Agreements, Postnuptial Agreements, and family law issues specific to the LGBTQ community in Pennsylvania.

We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
